Jiyoung Choi
Saturday, March 30th, 3pm—“Cultural Road Maps”
MacBeth’s Lady Shaman
This Korean monodrama movement piece focuses on female voices in Shakespeare’s works, symbolically giving these characters a spiritual voice of power.
JIYOUNG CHOI is an actress, playwright and Visiting Professor at Seoul Institute of the Arts. She studied Acting at Columbia University in NY and has performed in Seoul, New York and London. Some of her performed plays include: The Tempest, Canterbury Tales, Big Love, Kitchen, Danton’s Death, Myeol in National Theater Company of Korea.
In 2015, She founded Young Company and has been focused on perspectives of female roles and wanted to help female characters hidden and untold stories to come out to the world and finding her own voice of telling important things in life.
Her written and performed solo shows are While Ophelia’s Korean Drum Weep’s(2016) in The 20th New York International Fringe Festival, Love Deadline (Desdemona) in York International Shakespeare Festival(2019), Macbeth’s Lady Shaman won the Best International Show Award in The 14th Annual United Solo Theatre Festival-Spring 2023 In New York.
She has been dancing Korean traditional dance for 15 years influenced by her mother and looking forward to resonating with the audience through her Dance Monodrama.