Christina Linhart
“O Mio Babbino Caro” and “Time to Say Goodbye”
A classical vocalist with amazing range and expressiveness, Christina soars through song.
Christina Linhardt has enjoyed an eclectic and versatile career as a concert singer, writer, and actress. She is most known for her “Classics to Cabaret” act (which was the headliner for the opening of the Grand Concert Hall in Saxony, Germany), and her independently produced CDs, “Circus Sanctuary” and “Voodoo Princess” (available on iTunes and Spotify). As well as being a regular entertainer at the World Famous Hollywood Magic Castle, Ms. Linhardt is a recommended chanteuse for the coveted Southern California Chamber Music Consortium. In Los Angeles, she is the official national anthem singer for the German Consulate and represents Berlin at the Los Angeles Sister Cities Festival.
She has performed for the 2010 Los Angeles Opera Ring Festival, the House of Blues Gospel Brunch, The Grove, The Brand Plaza Concert Series, and even down in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. She produced a documentary about the Gitmo experience titled “Guantanamo Circus” which has screened at festivals and universities across the US and the UK, winning the Hollywood FAME Award in 2013 and is now available on Amazon Prime. She is also the main subject of the award-winning 2016 documentary “Flight of the Gypsy Nightingale.”
Christina was the lead singer of acclaimed Angels of Venice (Windham Hill Records) and The Honey Lulus Tiki Trio, most known for their performances with The Legendary Limeliters and The Kingston Trio members. She received her Bachelor of Music in Vocal Arts from the University of Southern California and studied theater at Oxford, University, England. Christina currently serves as the staff writer for the California Philharmonic and works with Alzheimer’s patients and PTSD veterans using music and theater as therapy.