Maggie Cee
“LADIES AT A GAY GIRLS’ BAR: 1938 – 1969”
This dance/theatre piece explores the strength and determination of women who paved the way for the Queer Rights Movement by creating space to be themselves out of sheer necessity.
Maggie Cee is a dancer, educator and writer. Her solo show “Ladies at a Gay Girls’ Bar, 1938-1969” was one of Time Out Magazine’s top picks for Pride 2024 and has been seen nationally and internationally at the Queerly Festival (NYC), the Brighton Fringe Festival (Brighton, UK) and Women’s Week (Provincetown, MA), and the Philadelphia Fringe Festival (Philadelphia, PA) among others. “Ladies at a Gay Girls’ Bar, 1938-1969” has been mentioned in the New York Times and featured in Philadelphia Magazine, Boston Globe, Boston Public Radio, GO! NYC, and Edge Media. Maggie is the founder of The Femme Show, a variety show exploring queer femininity based in Boston since 2007. Maggie is a recipient of the History Project’s Lavender Rhino Award for an emerging LGBT history maker. Find her at http://www.inthestreetsproductions.com and @thefemmeshow on social media.