Liza Dealey-Thomason
Supernova is a fanciful musical that successfully explores the need to be the hero who tries to take care of everyone else and ultimately arrives at the celebration of discovering the joy of taking care of oneself.
Liza Dealey-Thomason is a Utah born actress, singer songwriter and comedian. She got her start at the young age of 9 in a professional Seattle based singing group, “The Can Do Kids”. She studied at Juilliard’s Perry Mansfield, the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, The American Theatre Wing, and received a BFA in Theatre Performance at Chapman University. She’s performed in London, New York City, California and Utah doing regional and off-broadway plays and musicals (Marie Christine, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Two Gentlemen of Verona). Notable IMDB credits include films Incest! The Musical, Saving Private Jane, and Insecurities. Since Supernova made its debut in December 2023, it’s been nominated for best musical, won multiple encores, and is now an official off-broadway accredited show. Catch Liza in an upcoming (all female immersive) retelling of Julius Caesar this April!